Monday, September 28, 2009

Day Hike to Noble Knob near Mt. Ranier

Noble Knob is a mellow day hike with spectacular views of Mt. Ranier. It's only 7 miles out and back, with only 500 feet of elevation gain, and is perfect for an afternoon when you feel like getting out on the trail, but aren't up for any brutal uphill climbs. The dirt road up to the trailhead is steep and narrow -- passable in a regular car but definitely more enjoyable in a 4 wheel drive. This is mountain bike territory, so you definitely need to be on the lookout for bikers as you wind your way up to the trailhead. Turn left when you see the sign for 1184. The trailhead is now to your right, near the back of the parking lot.

This area was hit by wildfires back in the 60s, and is supposed to have amazing wildflowers if you come at the right time. At the end of September there weren't many wildflowers, but the blueberries were ripe. The red and yellow bushes looked spectacular against the evergreen trees. You only have to meander along this trail for about a mile to be rewarded with an impressive view of Mt. Ranier. I say impressive because the mountain looks strinkingly large and close -- close enough to make out crevasses in its face. A couple mountain bikers rounding the trail and getting a first glimpse of the mountain shouted, "No way!" several times. And it is hard to take your eyes off of it as you hike. Luckily, a little further down the trail is an outcropping to the left with an even better view of the mountain. This is the money shot opportunity, so get out your tripod or find a passerby to take your pic.

At about the 3 mile mark, the trail splits three ways. The left fork descends to George Lake and the right fork past Lost Lake to the Greenwater Trail. You want the middle trail, which winds around and around the knob to the top. The 6011-foot Noble Knob is replete with more amazing views of Mt. Ranier and the surrounding mountains.